Well Screen Slot Size Selection

Added language describing the use of pre-packed screen wells. Changed the recommendation for selecting the screen slot size of a naturally packed well from a slot that retains 30 to 60% of the filter pack to one that retains 70%. Added information on methods for creating high-solids bentonite.


Unsurpassed in design, construction and performance, Halliburton's All-Welded (AW) wire-wrapped screen provides field-proven sand control with a long history of reliability. The wire-wrapped screen features a keystone-shaped wrap wire on round rib wires for improved plugging resistance. Advantages over conventional screens are significant.

  • Extra strength

    The AW screen combines high strength and superior corrosion resistance for unsurpassed durability during installation or retrieval. The stainless steel wrap wire—firmly welded to every rib wire—is designed not to shift or unwind in the unlikely event should it be damaged downhole.

  • Large inlet area

    The AW screen has a much larger inlet area than conventional wire-wrapped screens. No solder strips, weld beads or lugs are present to block flow. Plus, a larger inlet area results in lower entrance velocity for produced fluids, reducing the potential for screen erosion.

  • Filtration assurance

    With precise gauge control for reliability, gauge spacing of the AW screen is permanent. Weld strength and wire orientation are controlled to ensure the gauge required is the gauge delivered down hole.

  • Filter Construction

    Round wires form the ribs, while the diameter and number are specified by the strength required and size of screen. Keystone-shaped wire is used for the wrap wires, which are helically wrapped around the preset vertical rib wires. Each point of contact is welded using a proprietary Halliburton procedure. Wrapping is accurately controlled—resulting in a uniform, precise gauge. The keystone shape of the wrap wire forms “V” shaped openings between wraps. This shape opening provides self-cleaning action and greatly reduces flow friction. Smaller particles can easily pass through the continuous slot while larger ones are held out without inhibiting the total inlet area.

= Halliburton employee & contractors access only
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20 Slot Well Screen


Screen Slot Size

[{'contenttype':'Data Sheets','datasource':[{'title':'All-Welded (AW) Wire-Wrapped Screens','description':'Halliburtonu2019s All-Welded (AW) wire-wrapped screens provide field-proven sand control with a long history of reliability. The wire-wrapped screen features a keystone-shaped wrap wire onnround rib wires. The keystone shape decreases the chances of plugging the screen.','path':'/content/dam/ps/public/cps/contents/Data_Sheets/web/H/H07792.pdf','docCreatedDate':'2018-10-02T11:12:07.072-05:00','modifiedDate':'2018-08-30T23:30:00.000-05:00','docdate':'2018-08-30T23:30:00.000-05:00','docrefNum':'H07792','languageSet':['English'],'accessType':'P','dataSearch':'locations:Global,|prodgroups:Completion_Equipment_and_Services:Configured_Products,Sand_Control:Screens,Sand_Control:Screens:Filtration_Services-Sand_Control,'}]},{}]
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